The Foundation for Impact, Influence and Success

impact foundation

Being continuously exposed to a variety of results across industries, companies and teams, I noticed that economic outcomes, impact and transactional performance are primarily behavioural. That sparked my interest in psychology and neuroscience behind the choices people make and how collaboration between individuals and teams can reach limit-breaking levels. I studied behavioural sciences closely ever since, researching how people and social groups work, and experimenting with ways to optimise relationships, influence transactions, and maximise returns on effort.

If we want things to change we need to influence People first. I believe that the number one critical success skill is the ability to inspire others to take risks with you.

Impact Strategy Club is a hub with resources about working with People, leveraging Information and using Systems to put it all to work so you can break performance barriers, create a lasting impact and leave your mark in any business.

It is, however, clear that if we want to influence people, results and returns in any business, we need to know a few things, so access to information is important. Most organisations and individuals collect a lot of it but are not even close to using what they know intelligently. That is because we need systems to apply knowledge.

I’m putting online years of insider intelligence collected from amazing businesses I was fortunate to work with, my personal achievements and failures and learnings from incredible people I met along the way.

Resources here are split into three categories – People, Information and Systems. They work together to create leverage – they are the Who, the What and the How of success in life and business.


People are the means to success. The #1 evolutionary advantage of humans that brought us to the top of the food chain on this planet is cooperation. If you don’t believe me, imagine the most powerful person you know in the wild without access to other people or things that millions of other people contributed to producing. Success will look very different then.

If you know how people work, you can access their minds, their networks and their resources with ease and joy. We are social creatures and find it to be a fun and rewarding experience to help each other.

Social capital is one of the most precious resources anyone can create because it is the only source of opportunities and it cannot be destroyed or taken away by external forces if you know how to maintain, protect and grow it over time. Everyone is in the relationships and influence business. It is a multiplier for outcomes in life and business. Relationship with yourself is included.


If people give you means, information gives you leverage. Focusing on one thing is an effort, finding the right thing to focus on is a privilege. Having the right information at the right time gives the advantage of knowing where to concentrate the efforts to maximise returns. The right information in the right hands is priceless.

Most valuable information exists in the form of ideas, statistics and equations. Math always wins in the long run. If numbers do not add up, change things before it’s too late. People make decisions based on the information they have. If the information is bad, the decision is not going to be brilliant and so will not be its impact.

I spent most of my adult life working with information and I’m fascinated with the power, the leverage and the influence it transforms into in the right hands.


Time is the most precious resource in this universe. The bottom line is you will not get more no matter how successful you become. Everybody gets 24 hours a day but some can accomplish 24 times more than others. That is because they have systems for impact.

In short, systems save time, energy and missteps for anything that can be, or should be repeated, replicated or rebuilt. Systems multiply the speed with which things are happening and optimise for success and achievement of expectations. In most cases, people perform as they feel, whereas systems perform as designed. I’m yet to see any exceptions to this rule.

This site is my collection of wisdom on how to use all three to your advantage in life and business to achieve mastery and impact.



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